As a Millennial, Tell Your Supply Chain Recruiter You Want These Benefits

Millennials in the workforce today are typically employed and managed by baby boomers and Gen Xers. While it’s completely normal to have this age gap in the workplace, it can cause a disconnect when it comes to priorities. Specifically, millennials tend to want different benefits than the ones put in place by a company 10…

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3 Questions to Ask Potential Co-Workers in Your Job Interview

Many companies are prioritizing cultural fit in their hiring process in the hopes of finding someone who can not only do the job, but can also fit in with the existing culture. To find these best-fit candidates, some hiring managers are bringing in current employees, potential co-workers, into the interview process. Needless to say, applicants…

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Hot Job – PLC Manufacturing Engineer in Iowa

While it may not be popular for the impact it has on the labor market, automation is very popular in today’s production facilities and it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are essential for today’s automated productions systems, and that makes the manufacturing engineers who work with these devices indispensable. At ZDA,…

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The Right Attitude Helps Your Relationship With a Hiring Manager

Applying for a job can be a time-consuming and stressful ordeal. Some people invest a lot of energy attempting to craft the perfect cover letter and memorize answers for every possible interview question. A more targeted approach is to take a step back and think about developing a great relationship with the hiring manager. By…

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STUDY: Five Technologies to Be Aware of to Help Your Supply Chain Career

An unprecedented influx of technological innovation is swamping today’s supply chain professionals, and many are realizing they will have to keep up to stay relevant. A new study from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, recently examined five technologies that are poised to revolutionize the supply chain even further than they already have: drones, driverless vehicles,…

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Ask These Questions to Determine If You’re the Ideal Job Candidate

Near the end of most job interviews, a hiring manager will ask if you have any questions for them. Rather than ask about benefits or opportunities for advancement, use this opportunity to figure out how you are doing so far and address any issues that might be holding you back. The following are examples of…

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Forget About Job Security – Focus on Becoming Indispensable

Feeling indispensable in your job is a nice blend of excitement and security. But in today’s workplace, where many people feel disposable, how do you reach that indispensable status? It all begins with building a great reputation, showing those around you that you have the qualities of a successful person. However, you should be doing…

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LinkedIn Open Candidate Helps You Find Your Next Supply Chain Job

LinkedIn recently rolled out a new feature that allows employed professionals to anonymously signal companies they are interested in moving to a new job. The social network said it will keep a user’s Open Candidate posting hidden from their current employer, allowing professionals to signal their availability without risking their current job situation. While the…

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Take Control of Your Career Path by Knowing What You Want

Despite the best intentions and careful planning, you just might find your career is stuck in a dead-end. Fortunately, there are steps to take that will allow you to get out of that career dead-end, if you’re willing to commit to them. If your professional growth has leveled off, consider the following steps to get…

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A Job Offer Isn’t a Mathematical Equation

Yes, the compensation part of a job offer is very important and no one would begrudge you for taking a job just for a dump truck of cash to be emptied onto your front lawn. However, a job offer features a lot of other components that are just as important as compensation, components that are…

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