Lack of Enthusiasm—a Hiring Red Flag?

In interviews, candidates should be on their best behavior, trying to put their best foot forward and selling themselves as the perfect person for the job.  So if you come across someone who is less than enthusiastic in a supply chain job interview, you might see the red flags. As we talk to potential employees,…

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Can’t Fill Your Supply Chain Jobs? You’re Not Alone….

In today’s global market, companies are focusing more on their supply chain security as a way to prevent losses and ensure quality of their products. The hectic pace of global trade, coupled with the outsourcing of manufacturing around the world, has transformed delivering products into a complex engineering task. Companies need logistics professionals to untangle…

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Hiring is About Pain Relief

Want to know one of the best ways to make your next supply chain job interview successful? Put yourself on the other side of the desk! In other words, try to understand where the hiring manager is coming from when you sit down for that interview. Let’s face it, we tend to think of the…

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