What Excel Skills Do You Need For A Supply Chain Job In 2023

Tracking tabular data is an important part of any supply chain job, and supply chain management jobs in particular. This makes Excel skills particularly valuable if you want to succeed in the industry. Without further ado, let’s get into the Excel skills you need for supply chain success in 2023. How to Track Supplier Orders…

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The Importance of Being Responsive to Recruiters

Without a doubt, it’s been a job seeker’s market for the past few years, and many people feel it’s perfectly fine to ghost a prospective employer. In a survey from the business review company Clutch, 41 percent of people looking for work said ghosting a potential employer is a reasonable thing to do. But this…

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Why Supply Chain Jobs and Salary Studies are Wrong

Websites like Indeed and Glassdoor can be great resources for people looking to get information on supply chain salaries. However, these reports aren’t always accurate, and salaries can significantly vary thanks to a number of factors. Consider the following nine factors that can significantly affect the salary of a supply chain position. 1) Location Salaries…

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10 Common Words You Should Never Use in a Job Interview

The words that people use say a lot about them. For example, you can probably tell where someone is from if they regularly use the word “y’all” or refer to carbonated drinks as “pop”. While regional lingo is fun and harmless, the language you use in a job interview can make or break your odds…

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How to Discuss Strengths and Weaknesses in a Job Interview

While they may not use the terms “strengths” and “weaknesses”, interviewers will typically ask applicants about the things they are good at and their skills that need improving. Before walking into a job interview, you should be able to discuss your best and worst skills in a way that still makes you seem like an…

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What to Know Before Starting a Supply Chain Planning Career

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, the supply chain industry has gotten a lot of attention in the past year. This happens to be an ideal time for people to consider a career path in the industry. A career in the supply chain offers a lot of job security. There will always be a need for…

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Job Hunting Over the Holidays: 6 Key Tips to Remember

If you’re looking for a new job and the holiday season rolls around, it might be tempting to hit the pause button and enjoy the season. However, the holidays can be a good time to make progress on your search. While many hiring personnel take time off for the holidays, companies don’t shut down completely…

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3 Reasons Why the Size of the Company Matters When Working a Supply Chain Job

Like selecting a college or university for your secondary education, opting for a large or small employer can have a significant impact on your life and your future. If you opt for a big company, you will likely have access to an extensive benefits package and more possibility for advancement. However, being noticed for doing…

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How to Think Like A Hiring Manager and Land Your Dream Job

The process of finding a new job can be nerve-racking for applicants, but hiring managers often find their side of the equation to be stressful as well. When companies put out the hiring sign, they are most likely short-staffed. Maybe they have lost a popular employee, and now they’re looking at onboarding and getting a…

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5 Buzzwords Hiring Managers Want to Hear During Your Interview

It may seem a bit trite to slip in buzzwords during a job interview. After all, shouldn’t you be considered based on your qualifications and ability to connect with your interviewer(s) on a professional level? However, the language that we use does matter. Think about it: If you walked into a job interview dropping all…

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