How to Successfully Relocate for Your Supply Chain Job

Moving for a new job involves a lot of details, with many of those details related to how far you’re moving. Despite how far you’re moving, you should be as organized as possible to help with the personal and professional transition. Moving for work is a different undertaking than simply moving, due to timeline involved.…

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4 Benefits of Offering Supply Chain Professionals a Flexible Work Schedule

Many working professionals today want a flexible schedule, and yet fairly few organizations are offering this to their employees. Meanwhile, millions of Americans are opting to work gig-economy jobs because they want more control over their work and personal lives. If your company doesn’t offer flexible work hours and options, you’re not only creating a…

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What Does My Supply Chain Career Look Like?

The career path of the typical supply chain professional today looks much different than it did just a decade ago. With supply chain’s vital role in today’s global business ecosystem, the supply chain professional is no longer simply the “purchasing person.” Supply chain jobs and duties include a vast range of functions, including demand planning,…

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Today’s Thank-You Note is Tomorrow’s Job Offer

You’ve probably heard countless times it’s a good idea to send a thank-you after an interview, but must have wondered if it really makes a difference. Although your chances of getting a job probably don’t depend on whether you send a thank-you note, sometimes, it can have an impact. Even if it makes a difference…

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