Do I Really Need a Resume as an Executive Job Searcher?

Rather than applying to jobs over Craigslist, executives typically find out about relevant job openings through their extensive network. This might suggest that a resume isn’t necessary for an executive job seeker, but those in charge of hiring executives still see the resume as a useful document. If you’re an executive job seeker, your resume…

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Should I Use LinkedIn to Conduct My Job Search?

If you’re looking for a new job in 2020 and you’re not using LinkedIn, you may as well not but looking at all. In a world where social media rules everything around us, LinkedIn is the top social platform dedicated to professionals, with more than 130 million users in the US alone. LinkedIn is also…

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Should You Answer a Recruiter’s InMail?

There you are, minding your own business when all of a sudden, your phone notification pings, and you see someone has contacted you over LinkedIn about a job opportunity. It can be flattering when a recruiter slides into your LinkedIn DMs, but to be fair, a job opportunity you weren’t seeking is often less appealing…

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5 Mistakes C-Level Candidates Make When Being Recruited

After putting in years of hard work, C-level professionals are in the enviable position of being in demand, and it isn’t unusual for recruiters to come knocking at their door. C-level professionals may be great at being an executive, but they probably aren’t practiced at being a job candidate, and many make simple mistakes when…

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Benefits of Utilizing an Executive Search Firm in Your Job Search

Whether they’re looking to avoid the hassle of working with another party, or they’re just doubtful of the process, some executive job seekers are reluctant to use a talent company in their search for an executive position. Unfortunately, these would-be executives are passing on a more efficient and effective search process. If you are skeptical…

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10 Phone Interview Tips to Land Your Next Supply Chain Job

Usually conducted after resume screening in a typical hiring process, the phone interview is a sort of “feeling out” phase for both candidates and potential employers. A phone interview is used by employers to take a closer look at potential employees and to make sure that they are generally a good fit for the open…

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How to Prepare and Crush a Supply Chain Video Interview

Regardless of what happens next with COVID-19, one thing is for certain: The pandemic has normalized video chat as a way of doing business. For job seekers, this means getting more comfortable with video interviews. If you’ve by no means been instructed to take part in a video job interview before, you soon will be.…

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What Does Coronavirus Mean for My Supply Chain Job Search?

Given all that’s going on with the current COVID-19 pandemic, it can be difficult to even think about a job search right now. However, many people are in a position where they have no choice but to look for a new job right now. An effective approach to battling through and attaining your objective is…

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6 Things to Research About a Company Prior to Accepting a Job

Ideally, you should thoroughly research a company before even submitting an application. But realistically speaking, most people don’t research a potential employer from top-to-bottom and front-to-back before applying to a job. In fairness, it’s difficult to be motivated to research an entire company when you aren’t sure if they will even respond to your application.…

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Top Salary Negotiation Strategies to Include in Your Job Search

As if finding a potential new job isn’t hard enough, negotiating salary can make a job search that much harder. Salary negotiation can be a difficult undertaking for those who don’t have a solid grasp of employers’ compensation expectations. When you don’t know what companies are willing to pay, you risk asking for something far…

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