Finding a New Job
Finding a New Job

How to Prepare and Crush a Supply Chain Video Interview

Regardless of what happens next with COVID-19, one thing is for certain: The pandemic has normalized video chat as a way of doing business.

For job seekers, this means getting more comfortable with video interviews. If you’ve by no means been instructed to take part in a video job interview before, you soon will be. Whether or not you’ve got years of video chatting experience, you ought to know that video job interviews are quite similar to conventional in-person interviews. Sure, there are unique differences to understand. However, with some practice and the proper mindset, you can shine just you would in a conventional sit-down interview.

Below are a few tips on how you can prepare and crush your next supply chain video interview.

Check Your Set-Up

Before the interview, do a trial run to ensure your gear is working properly. Download any apps that you need and make certain any username you use is professional. Check to see if your camera, microphone, network, and internet connection are functioning properly.

If you can, do a practice video interview with a trusted friend or family member. In addition to honing your performance, a trial run can also give you a chance to get your video chat set-up squared away.

Dress for an Interview

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a whole new meaning to ‘business casual’ – with a major emphasis on casual. Business meetings on Zoom often include trucker hats, hoodies, and novelty t-shirts. But just because everyone else is lowering their workwear standards, that doesn’t mean you should on a video interview.

Steer clear of bright, flashy clothes and try to pick an outfit that looks good when you’re sitting down and on camera. If you do a trial run, wear your interview attire, so you can get feedback on how it looks over your internet connection.

Pick a Professional Background

Select a location that is free of potential distractions, including young children or pets. If you’re at home, place a sign on your front door letting delivery persons and potential visitors know not to ring the doorbell. Pick a background that looks ‘safe for work’ and free of clutter. Make sure your lighting set-up is bright but not causing glaring for you or the person on the other end. Try to light your face from the front using natural light.

Switch off any notifications that might pop up during the interview and any programs that might affect your video chat program, such as programs that need a lot of bandwidth.

Poise and Projection

Digital connections can sometimes have a ‘lag time’ that can make real-time communication difficult. The best approach is to be as deliberate as possible. Let the other person finish speaking, take a two-second pause, and then start talking. Try to speak clearly and distinctly, so the microphone doesn’t have trouble detecting your words.

We Can Help You with Your Next Video Interview

At ZDA, we not only connect job seekers to tantalizing career opportunities, but we also help them all the way through the application process and beyond. Please contact us today to find out how we can help your grow your career.

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