What Are Virtual Reality Supply Chains?

It may seem like a gimmick, but virtual reality has been finding its way into supply chains, and those using the technology are reporting they are happy with the results. VR technology allows for supply chain managers to make more informed decisions than they otherwise would without the technology. With VR, managers can increase sales…

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How to be a Better Leader in 2016

 “To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.” —Eleanor Roosevelt Some people are seemingly born into this world as leaders. They can easily get those around them to buy into an idea or turn around a bad situation. You can see these men and women in workplace, the community, politics or…

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How to Negotiate a Job Offer

With today’s labor market being relatively robust, job candidates have more leverage than ever when it comes to negotiating a job offer. That being said, many companies have a take-it-or-leave-it policy when it comes to job offers, particularly for front-line or entry-level positions. Before you start even thinking about negotiating, find out if you have…

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Why Is Last-Mile Delivery So Important?

Customers don’t see many aspects of the supply chain. They don’t see suppliers sending raw materials to a manufacturer, products rolling off the lines or shipments headed off to distribution centers. However, customers do see the final link or ‘last mile’ of the supply chain. They want final deliveries to be on time and their…

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How Does the Whole Fulfillment Process Affect the Last Mile?

Empowered by smartphones, the explosion of services has led to an intense amount of focus being placed on the so-called ‘last mile’ in the supply chain – or final delivery in the supply chain. While the focus may be on the last mile of the supply chain, problems earlier in the process can make this…

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Don’t Get Left Behind: How to Merge Supply Chain and IT

To be able to compete globally, more businesses are adding technology to their supply chain management strategy. In the past few years, consumers have become more demanding and started setting their expectations high in terms of quality and service. Concurrently, supply chain managers must understand how the latest technology can assist them in terms of…

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Hot Job: Supply Chain Manager in Albuquerque

A growing Fortune 500 company specializing in packaged goods is seeking a talented Supply Chain/Materials Manager for a fast-growing, high-volume manufacturing site in Albuquerque, N.M. This position comes with oversight of a supply chain team of more than 40 employees. A high-growth site that produces high-volume products at the rate of 4M+/day, the manager will…

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How Do You Overcome the Supply Chain Leadership Gap? Develop Your Own Leaders

The supply chain industry is seeing a gap in the available candidates to take over leadership positions, and this means companies may be forced to develop their own supply chain decision makers through in-house training. As is so often the case, educational institutions have not kept pace with the corporate demand for supply chain talent.…

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How Does Total Cost Perspective Help Make Better Supply Chain Decisions?

Working with quality suppliers is a top priority for almost every business, and companies need to assess suppliers with an eye in the direction of overall cost, quality, and performance. Furthermore, complicated supplier relationships, untrustworthy providers of material supply and growing customer expectations also add to the considerations when putting together a supply chain. Recent…

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3 Ways to Improve Order Management and Fulfillment

Many supply chain companies are seeking the elusive goal of perfect order fulfillment. However, obstacles like dated planning operations and disconnected execution programs often prevent the maintenance of a completely optimized scenario. While the challenges to perfect order fulfillment vary from industry to industry, there are a few steps that can be applied in a…

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