Finding a New Job
Is a Mobile Job Search the Way to Go?
Mobile job searching is on the rise. In a recent survey by Glassdoor, 45 percent of job seekers said they use a mobile device to search for jobs at least once a day. Mobile technology is shifting the way people look for and apply to jobs. In fact, almost all job boards are mobile-friendly. Although,…
Read MoreDon’t Let Being Late to An Interview Keep You from Getting the Job
You probably heard being late to a job interview can absolutely crush your chances of getting the job, and while that is true, that doesn’t mean you should turn around and go home the moment you are running late. It’s still possible to salvage your chances of a getting a job if you’re late to…
Read MoreToday’s Thank-You Note is Tomorrow’s Job Offer
You’ve probably heard countless times it’s a good idea to send a thank-you after an interview, but must have wondered if it really makes a difference. Although your chances of getting a job probably don’t depend on whether you send a thank-you note, sometimes, it can have an impact. Even if it makes a difference…
Read More“According to the Job Description, I’m Not Qualified. Should I Apply?” Here’s Your Answer.
If you find a job you really want to apply to, but feel you don’t fulfill all the requirements, you probably should apply anyway. Not applying means disqualifying yourself before you get a chance, and if you won’t advocate for yourself, who will? At the end of the day, you don’t know what a hiring…
Read MoreMultipage Resumes – Friend or Foe?
Resumes need to be clear and concise. Usually, this means keeping a resume to around one page. However, there are situations where a multipage resume is actually quite useful. In particular, professionals with decades of experience should not skip over their early years just to keep it to one page. A long work history over…
Read MoreHot Job: Strategic Sourcing Analyst
Companies trying to find ways to boost their productivity may look to a strategic sourcing analyst to provide insights on the company’s use of products and services. Strategic sourcing analysts review data associated with the way a business manages its supply chain. They must source relevant information on how the company’s supply chain functions. They…
Read MoreDon’t Snooze on a Job Opportunity. What to Do When You Know You’re Going to Be Late to an Interview
The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry, according to the old saying, and despite your best efforts – you just might find yourself running late for a job interview. You’ve probably read about how turning up late for an interview is a big red flag for a hiring manager. However, that isn’t…
Read MoreTransferable Supply Chain Skills You Don’t Get From Your Degree
If you are a recent graduate or are considering a career change, you may be concerned about not having the abilities needed to get a new job. However, transferable skills are abilities you can acquire through part-time jobs, school projects, internships, hobbies and volunteer work. Abilities such as teamwork and leadership are called transferable skills…
Read MoreHot Jobs: Transportation Jobs in Chicago
There’s no time like spring time to find a new job in the supply chain industry! This month, we’re choosing to spotlight three hot supply chain jobs that are available in the Chicago area: Full Truck Load Carrier Sales Manager, 3PL Sales Professional and Inside Sales Rep. If you are looking to work in the…
Read MoreYour Resume Screams Red Flags – How Do You Overcome That?
Hiring managers see a ton of resumes in the course of doing their job. After a while, they can spot a bad applicant in seconds. In fact, research has shown the average length of time a hiring manager looks at a resume is less than 30 seconds. Experienced hiring personnel are adept at spotting ‘red…
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