What to Ask Supply Chain Management Candidates in an Interview
A supply chain manager directly impacts the success of an organization, and therefore, it is essential to hire the best supply chain management candidates possible for this position.
Monitoring and managing a supply chain operation requires a mix of skills and experience. Ideal supply chain management candidates role should exhibit the ability to handle pressure. They also need to manage people, and effectively allocate resources. They should also appear comfortable in negotiations and presentations.
Interview questions for this position should cover topics like giving presentations, dealing with contracts, and process improvements.
How to Find Supply Chain Management Candidates
Can You Tell Me About a Time When You Improved a Process?
The ideal candidate should be able to provide at least one example of a process improvement they implemented that relates to the manager position. The candidate should be able to give numbers and specific details that speak to an authentic improvement. Candidates should also be able to describe the positive impact of the progress they implemented.
Ideally, a candidate should convey enjoyment of improving processes. They should seem enthusiastic about finding new approaches to help the organization enhance its supply chain processes.
Have You Given a Presentation to Sell Your Ideas?
The capability to effectively present to other people is typically needed for someone working as a supply chain manager. Usually, the more responsibility a supply chain manager has within an organization, the more likely they will be asked to give presentations.
An ideal candidate will be able to provide a track record of giving presentations or at least some experience in public speaking. Candidates should be able to talk about how they prepare, their approach to presenting, and any positive feedback they have received. Presentation experience does not necessarily have to be work-related. Major presentations related to education or associations are just as relevant as business-related speaking.
How Have You built Relationships with Clients and Suppliers in the Past?
Your organization’s clients and suppliers may be situated throughout the world, and a supply chain manager should have a system maintaining vital relationships with them. For example, an ideal candidate might talk about how they maintained regular communication with a supplier in Japan through the use of a chat software program.
An ideal candidate should be able to talk about the positive results they produced. As well as how the relationships they were able to maintain had an impact on these results.
What Supply Chain Software are You, Familiar, With?
Ideal candidates will have a working knowledge of the software tools your company uses for its supply chain operations. They should be able to talk about how these tools are used to connect with manufacturers, shippers, and suppliers.
These programs have many features and can be quite technical. Rather than getting bogged down in technical jargon, direct candidates to talk about how they have used these software tools to bring value and improve efficiency.
We Can Help Your Company Find Its Next Supply Chain Manager
At ZDA, we specialize in finding the best-fit supply chain management candidates for our clients’ open positions. Please contact us today to find out how we can help your organization.