What Benefits Should You Be Offering Your Supply Chain Talent?
Developing a genuinely competitive and attractive benefits package can be a difficult, particularly for smaller businesses.
As a US employer, you are mandated to offer particular benefits, like unemployment insurance and worker’s compensation. Some companies are required to provide health insurance under the Affordable Care Act’s “employer mandate.”
Employee benefit packages can be costly, and companies can only offer what makes sense for their situation. The objective is to stay competitive, and not become an outlier for the wrong reasons.
Below is a set of employee benefits typically offered by supply chain companies.
Health Insurance
Job seekers view health insurance coverage as one of the most essential factors in any benefits package and consequently, the majority of companies offer it.
To figure out costs for your staff members, you ought to speak to your finance team, in addition to your medical carrier, which sometimes requires a particular percentage of employer subsidization. Remember that if you are a company with more than 49 full-time staff members, the highest premium you can charge is determined by the ACA.
Life Insurance
Life insurance is a typical benefit, though not as standard as health insurance. Many organizations offer life insurance equal to a worker’s salary at no cost to the employee.
Dental Insurance
Another standard worker benefit, dental insurance is far less expensive than medical insurance. A typical ratio is an 80/20 split between the company and the worker.
The most typical kinds of employer-provided retirement accounts are 401(k)s and 403(b)s, available from for-profit and not-for-profit companies respectively. Some organizations opt to contribute to retirement accounts with a matching program. For instance, an employer might match the first 5 percent of an employee’s contribution each pay period.
Some for-profit businesses opt for a profit-sharing model when it comes to an employee retirement plan. Based on the share amount, this approach may be more or less valuable to a worker than a 401(k) matching program.
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)/ Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
FSAs are similar to HSAs in that both are allowed to be spent on medical expenses. FSAs are offered with almost any health insurance plan, but they have a “use it or lose it” clause. For instance, if you have $200 remaining in an FSA account at the end of the year, it does not get rolled over and added to the amount for the following year.
On the other hand, HSAs never reach an expiration date.
Paid Vacation, Sick Time and Parental Leave
It’s pretty much unprecedented for any employer to not offer some paid time off (PTO) to employees. Two weeks (10 days) per year is a base-level PTO for full-time US workers. Some businesses permit workers to earn additional PTO if they stick with the business for a set time period. Some businesses divide PTO into vacation, sick, and personal time.
When it comes maternity (or parental) leave, most employers offer six weeks of fully-paid leave and then let the worker use vacation or sick time for any additional paid time off.
It’s important to note that all employees are eligible for 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family and medical reasons under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
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