Wellness is More than Mental Health – 5 Areas That Can Help Improve Your Satisfaction at Work
For many years, employee wellness was primarily focused on physical health. Now there appears to be a more significant focus on mental health.
While these initiatives do helped steer people toward control of their well-being, the COVID pandemic has helped reveal that these endeavors don’t fully support overall well-being. The modern concept of wellness is more holistic. To achieve overall well-being you should encompass factors that contribute to well-being in both the personal and professional aspects of life.
This holistic vision of wellness pushes both workers and employers to better comprehend the personal challenges that may affect job satisfaction, engagement, and productivity. This requires a more holistic strategy for well-being by dealing with the physical, mental, financial, social, and career aspects of employee health.
Five Areas of Wellness to Focus on For More Satisfaction at Work
1) Physical
If you’re struggling with your physical health, it won’t be long before physical problems begin to impact other parts of your well-being. Like a discounted gym membership or charity 5k runs, conventional employee well-being initiatives are easy yet practical approaches to supporting your physical health.
2) Mental
While company managers must trade a one-size-fits-all method for an assorted number of resources to suit the different needs of workers, you should be vocal about things you have considered more personal in nature. This could involve talking about mental health issues with coworkers.
You may also want to leverage your employee assistance program (EAP), if your company offers one, as these programs as designed to support your mental health.
3) Financial
Financial health and stability have become key worries over the last year. With businesses scaling back, the impact was had on staffing and compensation levels. According to recent research, Gen. X-ers, Millennials, and Gen. Z-ers are most concerned about their financial health, while Baby Boomers tend to feel financially secure.
There are many financial literacy programs on topics like debt reduction, budgeting, credit improvement, buying a home, and retirement saving. Additionally, your company’s financial partners are often ready to offer such programs. By utilizing them you will reap the benefits of learning habits that support long-lasting financial health.
4) Social
Social health has grown to be a significant concern during the last year, as people battled isolation and loneliness due to social distancing. Boosting your social health means building back personal and professional relationships. Home and work lives are beginning to open back up. During this time, consider attending and hosting safe social gatherings like lunches, picnics, or parties.
5) Career
The term “career health” refers to the idea that professional security and growth are part of overall well-being. For many, the pandemic meant having to cross-train, upskill or reskill. Others may have stagnated over the past year.
As society opens back up, career development opportunities increase across the board. Those with small children may be able to look forward to the resumption of entirely in-person schooling.
We Can Help You Find a Healthy Work Environment
At ZDA, we work with job seekers to find the best-fit job opportunities that suit their overall wellness goals. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today to learn more. Interested in exploring great opportunities? Search our openings!