Take Control of Your Career Path by Knowing What You Want
Despite the best intentions and careful planning, you just might find your career is stuck in a dead-end.
Fortunately, there are steps to take that will allow you to get out of that career dead-end, if you’re willing to commit to them.
If your professional growth has leveled off, consider the following steps to get it back on an upward trajectory.
Determine your destination
Not having accurately outlined goals is a common reason careers stall. Without clear goals, professionals often start treading water rather than swimming toward a destination.
It’s critical to have a specific goal in mind, not just a three-year or five-year plan. Specifically, you want to identify your next job, but if you have trouble identifying one, study job descriptions and establish one central career goal, like gaining valuable skills.
Then, construct an agenda to get from your present position to the stated objective. If you have holes in your plan, focus on how to fill them. So, if you need to learn a particular skill, identify the class or training program you need to take.
Seek feedback and advice
Effective feedback is difficult to get, but it is crucial to personal growth. Approach trusted friends and colleagues for professional feedback and advice on your strengths and weaknesses.
In addition to learning more about your own abilities, good feedback also lets you learn how you’re perceived by others. All this knowledge allows you to better leverage your strengths to take full advantage of professional opportunities. This knowledge also allows you to avoid situations where may find yourself struggling.
Furthermore, knowing weaknesses means knowing where you can improve. The weaknesses you identify should point to new abilities you can master, which will make you more valuable as a professional.
Recognize your resources
After getting feedback, size up the resources available to you and figure out the things you need. For instance, if you know someone who has technical skills you want to master, make the effort to follow and learn from them.
Other resources you should think about include your professional network, any free time at your disposal and learning opportunities you have access to.
Recognize that it’s all on you
You cannot rely on your company or your boss to direct your professional growth. The only person you can count on to invest in your career path is you, and that means you have to take the initiative to start growing your career now.
In order to be successful in your career, you have to be proactive and dictate your career path. By learning about yourself, making the most of all your resources and reaching for goals you have identified, you will move your career forward and start down the path to career success.
Work With a Top Supply Chain Recruiter
At ZDA, we have years of experience in helping supply chain professionals get their careers back on track. If you would like to learn how working with a top supply chain recruiter can help you, please contact us today.