Finding a New Job
Finding a New Job

Is Your Resume a Powerful Supply Chain Resume?

No matter how many times you may have heard that resumes don’t get read, consider this: Hiring managers need a way to find candidates to fill job openings, and often they need to advertise their job openings. And they need a standardized way for you to send them your information.

The biggest problem with this? They often have to wade through piles of poorly written documents. It takes a hiring manager only seconds to scan a resume and decide if they want to pursue a candidate further.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, you need to provide them the right information up front. If they can take one look at your resume and make a quick decision about your credentials, you should make it to the next step—provided you have the right credentials!

So how can you attract the immediate attention of resume-weary hiring managers?

1. Prove Your Value

The most important thing you can show hiring managers is that you are a result-oriented worker. If you can provide proof that you consistently produced positive results for previous employers, you will become as a desirable candidate.

2. Show Them the Numbers

Which statement has more impact?

  • Significantly increased revenues and grew client base between 2008 and 2010.
  • Increased revenues from $250,000 in 2008 to $1.5 million in 2010 and tripled client base from 2,500 to 7,000.

Wherever possible, include measurable results of your work.

3. Don’t Be Responsible

Using the phrase “responsible for” is a real resume killer. Describe your accomplishments using active language. What types of challenges did you face? What actions did you take to overcome them? Did the result of your efforts benefit the company, and how?

4. Do Make It Readable

If you use bullets, you may be blurring together your duties and accomplishments, or not focusing enough on your achievements. If you use a narrative style, you’ll probably be too wordy.

So use a combination of paragraphs and bullets. For each employer, provide a brief paragraph that details the scope of your responsibilities. Then create a bulleted list of your top contributions. Give this list a heading such as Key Accomplishments or Significant Contributions.

5. Target Your Experience to Your Goal

Resumes are marketing tools. You need to sell yourself to the employer. If you want a supply chain job, your resume should focus on accomplishments and skills that relate to the industry and the work you want to do.

If you’d like more expert advice on how to tailor your resume for a job in the supply chain industry, contact ZDA Supply Chain Recruiting. We know exactly what hiring managers are looking for.

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