Top Supply Chain Hiring Mistakes (and how to avoid them!)
There are great supply chain candidates out there, so why can’t you find them? Could your hiring process be the problem? Here are some of the most common hiring mistakes made in supply chain—and how can you avoid them.
1. Having too many people involved in the interviewing process—and/or the wrong ones.
Having multiple people interviewing a candidate doesn’t actually improve your odds of hiring the right people. “Studies have shown that hiring is just as successful when one person, the one with the ‘pain’ (i.e., the direct manager), is the only person involved in the hiring process,” according to Tony Beshara, placement and recruitment specialist. “… once the number of people in the interviewing and hiring process exceeds three, the probability of a bad hire is greater.”
Involving the wrong people in the interviewing and hiring process can be just as big of a mistake. You should include only people who will be working directly with the person and who would potentially benefit—or suffer—from the hire.
2. Having an unrealistic idea of the candidate pool or competitive salaries.
Sure, everyone wants to hire a “rock star” candidate, but there may not be one available or willing to work for your company. Or you may not be prepared to pay what it will take for that top shelf employee to jump ship.
You have to be realistic about what the market might bear! Do some homework, or interview (or have your recruiter interview) enough candidates to know who is available and at what salary. It’s not a good strategy to wait for the “perfect” candidate to come along.
3. Taking too long.
Another mistake is allowing the process to drag on for too long. You need to be responsive and timely when screening resumes, returning phone calls, conducting initial interviews and scheduling face-to-face interviews.
Good candidates have options, and they can be lost if it takes your company too long to move forward. Time kills, and the better your candidate is, the shorter their “shelf life” of availability will be.
4. Putting too much emphasis on a resume.
Industry experts estimate that 40 percent of hiring a person is based on personal chemistry, not on a resume. Resumes should be used as a high-level screening tool to help identify potential candidates. Check them for educational background, prior work experience and any job-hopping history. If the applicant passes this 15-second test, set up a phone interview and start asking questions to narrow the field further.
5. Not having a clear idea of what you’re looking for.
Job descriptions are often too generic, often outdated and not thought out. The person who needs the hire needs to be clear on what he wants in terms of duties, skills and competencies. Time spent upfront, determining and then communicating what is needed, is time well spent and will help ensure a match in the hiring process.
One great solution to all of these problems is to work with an experienced supply chain recruiter. They can help you write a job description, handle the screening and interviewing, and give expert advice on where to find potential candidates and how much you can expect to pay per position. Call or contact ZDA Supply Chain Recruiting any time you want to know more!