Salary Negotiations – How to Effectively Express Your Company Value
Whether you’re looking to pay $10 for a bottle of wine or $100, your primary concern should be the same: How do I get value for my dollar?
Someone looking to make a hiring decision has the same kind of dilemma, and it’s up to you, the job seeker, to convince a hiring manager you can provide significant value. Part of doing this is presenting all your skills and achievements, which have an inherent value. The other part is projecting value through the use of negotiation tactics.
A good salary negotiator can push for the pay they want without upsetting the other person, or coming across as unprofessional, which undercuts their value as a team player. Consider the following tips on how to best express your value through negotiations.
Avoid discussing salary until the end
Not discussing pay until the end of the hiring process allows you to make a compelling case for how much value you can offer, as well as get the company to commit to the entire hiring process. After a company has invested significant time and energy in you as a candidate, it makes it more difficult to walk away from the negotiating table.
Some companies want to know your salary expectations upfront, so they don’t waste their time, and yours. If this is the case, you could give them a sense of what you’re making currently, or what you made at your last job, and ask what the salary range is for the open position.
Avoid asking for too much
While you have a pay rate in mind, an employer also has limits on what they can spend on labor. If you ask for a salary that’s far beyond what a company can afford, it could end the negotiation.
Make sure you do your research before you enter into the process to make sure you don’t eliminate yourself by asking for too much.
Ask for an unusually precise number
A recent study has shown that people in salary negotiations who ask for a very specific number — $45,600 instead of $44,000 – are more likely to have their offer accepted. Research behind the study said giving a precise figure suggests you’ve done your research to the point that you know exactly what you are worth.
Act excited and positive, not desperate and negative
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, the old saying goes, and that’s particularly true in negotiations. You should be insistent about your offers in a negotiation, but you still want the other person to walk away from the negotiating table liking you.
Remember, if your offer is accepted, you’ll probably be seeing this hiring manager on a regular basis.
Start working with a leader in supply chain recruitment
At ZDA, we help job seekers with everything from resume writing to salary negotiations. Please contact our top supply chain recruiter today to find out how we can help you take the next step on your career path.