Are You Using Headhunters to Unlock Access to Top Talent?
What’s the biggest complaint most employers make about headhunters? The cost. But have they ever stopped to consider what they’re getting for that money?
- The number one thing you’re paying a headhunter for is access. They have connections and access to the hidden candidate market that you don’t have. Look at it this way: There’s a difference between the best talent in the market and the best talent on the market.
The best talent on the market are those who are actively looking for a job. You’ll find them on social media, job boards or in your resume response. But the best talent in the market are most likely those who are not actively searching for a job. They’re happy where they are. They have to be contacted and informed of job openings (because they’re not looking), then strategically motivated and sold on a particular job opportunity.
So, if you’re not using headhunters, you’re not hiring the best talent from the entire talent pool: you’re hiring the best talent from a small puddle.
- Especially if you’re working with a niche headhunter, you’re paying for their experience and knowledge. They’ve committed themselves to recruiting in a particular field, and they do the hardest part—developing relationships. They know who the most talented individuals in your field are. They can identify and differentiate the hardest workers from the slackers. They know which ones operate below the radar screen, and they also know the ones with the most potential, which may not be being used in their current positions.
Niche headhunters also do something called recruiting “ahead of the need.” What does that mean? They don’t wait for a job to open up, then start recruiting people to fill that job. They recruit individuals constantly, reaching out, staying in touch, prescreening them and keeping in mind what type of opportunity would work for that person. When a job opens up, they’re ready to start bringing people in—which is a time saver.
Also, as experts, they know that position titles and responsibilities can be significantly different across various companies. The headhunter has the ability (and the time!) to make sure that your opening’s title, responsibilities and salary align with what’s happening in your industry.
Still not convinced? Think about the economics. If you hire a headhunter, you can save money on training—because they’ll recruit great talent from your competitors after they’re already trained. And you’ll see more profits, because the employers that hire the best talent often win and retain more customers.
Working with a recruiter is the same as working with a CPA or any other professional adviser—sure, you can do some or all of that work yourself, but you almost always get a better and quicker result when you use an expert who practices in the area every day. Just ask the experts at ZDA Supply Chain Recruiting!