Client Resources

Having Trouble Filling Your Jobs Quickly?

Think about how much your hiring process has changed over the last several years, to reflect changes in the supply chain industry. Did you proactively create and implement a plan, or were most of your changes reactive? If so, your process is probably not as efficient as it could be.

One solution? Automate, as much as possible! Another solution? Work with an expert. Or combine both options.

Speed Up the Assessment Process

An important component to hiring in the supply chain industry is assessing a candidate’s competencies. But it’s also important to do it quickly. You don’t want to lose a great candidate because another company can make a decision faster.

Automated assessments can help by providing immediate results that will help hiring managers identify the best potential candidates. Working with a recruiter that knows your industry can also speed the process. The recruiter has the time to give the task the immediate attention it needs and can take the responsibility for reviewing resumes and screening candidates, or giving and scoring automated assessments.

Good assessments include easy-to-read scoring and candidate competency summaries, which can help hiring managers narrow down their candidate pools in a fraction of the time. Say you have 100 candidates. After assessment, you discover that only 20 of them scored well. This will help you narrow your focus and move forward with a stronger understanding of the candidates you’re considering.

Reference Checking Made Easy

If you had to perform reference checks for 200 candidates, you would be wasting precious hours–if not days–making phone calls before you were able to filter through them all. But if you use automated reference checking, this part of the process becomes quick and easy. References simply go online to fill out a non-bias survey. The results of this survey will help you pinpoint the small handful of candidates who are the best overall fit for the job.

These tools will provide you with a more complete, objective view of each candidate. But if you don’t think automated processes are right for your company, a good  recruiter will include reference and background checks as part of their services.

Work With An Expert

A supply chain recruiting firm like ZDA can save you valuable time and money by finding your candidates faster—through our in-depth knowledge of the necessary core competencies and our network of referrals and skilled candidates. Give us a call today if you’re ready to hand over the responsibility of screening, assessment and reference checking—and receive a list of the best candidates for your requirements.

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