Supply Chain is Proving to Be a Great Career Choice!
If you’re in the supply chain industry, you made a smart career choice. Why?
Report after report and conversations with supply chain recruiters indicate that after a couple of tough years following the recession in 2008, the demand for skilled people continues to exceed the supply, so salaries for graduates are on the rise.
Even The Wall Street Journal has taken note of the situation, saying that “with global operations becoming more complex, companies in manufacturing, retail and technology—and the consulting firms that service them—are scrambling to hire people with supply chain expertise.”
And, it’s been said that a graduate degree in supply chain management is “the new MBA,” which was the hot business degree of the 1980s and 1990s.
Would earning a graduate degree in supply chain make a big difference in your salary? Check out these numbers from some accredited supply chain programs:
- At Arizona State, supply chain majors from the class of 2012 earned average starting salaries of $56,410, compared with $50,098 for undergraduate business students overall. At the MBA level, students who took operations or supply chain jobs reported starting salaries averaging $97,481, compared with $92,556 for all MBAs.
- At MIT, among its 2012 master’s degree graduates:
- 97% of students had one or more job offers by graduation
- 93% accepted offers at graduation
- 100% of the students accepted job offers three months after graduation
- The median salary was $115,000 without a signing bonus, which has been averaging more than $10,000 in recent years.
Even if you don’t have an advanced degree, the supply chain industry has an extremely positive job outlook. Do you feel like your career is where it should be, or do you feel like you need to make plans to move and grow along your career path?
One great way to create strategies for your supply chain career includes working with an expert supply chain hiring and recruiting firm, like ZDA. We can provide you with career counseling and other resources to help strengthen your skills and increase your value in the supply chain job market. We can also provide you with access to some of the best supply chain employment opportunities through our exclusive network of strategic partners. Contact us today to learn more!