Important LinkedIn Upgrades to Land Your Next Supply Chain Job
LinkedIn is a great career tool, but to get the most out of the social network, you must do more than just post a resume and a profile picture.
You should be regularly posting content, joining groups, following good people and regularly be making new connections. Consider the following ways to upgrade your LinkedIn profile.
Be a Content Curator
Thanks to LinkedIn’s ‘newsfeed’ algorithm, the more you post to your profile, the more it will be seen by others in your network. According to LinkedIn, you ought to update your status a minimum of 20 times per month to be able to optimize your reach to about 60 percent of your network.
Posting status updates and sharing content regularly is also a way to stay in touch with your network. Status updates are a great way to let connections know your latest achievements, current projects and the events you plan on going to. Sharing content is a good way to spark discussions and learn from your connections.
Join (and Participate In) Groups
When you first joined LinkedIn, you likely skipped joining groups altogether, or perhaps you and joined a bunch of groups that seemed relevant at the time, and then never bothered with them after that.
Now, you should take some time to go through your list of groups and eliminate any that don’t appear to be helpful. Then, identify two to three that appear to be interesting enough to participate in, or at least intriguing enough to read from time to time.
A good, easy step is to join any groups for schools you attended. An alumni network can help you keep up with what other alums are doing, and you never know when an alumni connection can lead to a career opportunity.
Regardless of which groups your join, participation is crucial, as it makes you more visible. Ask questions, respond to questions for which you have a helpful answer, post relevant new articles and even ask to moderate group, if there is a need for one. If you help others, you will garner goodwill, and be more visible. Just be sure that you are keeping a good balance between maintaining your online presence and doing your job. You don’t want to your productivity to slip because you’ve been spending too much time on LinkedIn.
Follow Inspirational and Successful People
Your LinkedIn network should go way beyond just your personal connections. You can also keep up leaders in your industry and successful business people who you find inspirational. When you follow these folks, your newsfeed will be peppered with good advice, inspiration and encouragement.
Always Be Making New Connections
Don’t just have your LinkedIn network stop with your co-workers, former co-workers and former classmates. You should always be looking to add new people, like new clients and even people you meet in social settings.
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