Go Beyond the Minimum to Stand Out
When embarking on a professional career, it is important to go above and beyond what’s written on your job description. Employers appreciate workers who stand out from the pack, and giving 110 percent effort every day helps to position yourself as someone worth promoting.
Your co-workers also notice a talented worker who gives their all. If it ever becomes time to look for a new job, a career laden with quality references and LinkedIn recommendations helps to position yourself as a top notch logistics professional. Here are some ideas to help you go above and beyond for your employer.
Arrive Early and Stay Late
If you are a salaried employee, a workweek longer than 40 hours is simply part of your job description, especially in this era of Cloud-based computing, where team members are able to access their work from home during the evening and weekends. Being visible in the office throughout the day from early in the morning to later in the evening is a key factor in getting noticed for your efforts.
Hourly workers also need to put in the extra midnight oil, even if getting paid overtime isn’t part of the equation. Managers appreciate workers who do what it takes to get a project done on time, or to ensure a client’s shipment is processed quickly and accurately. Salaried or hourly, be sure you arrive at work early and stay until the job’s done.
Understand Your Company’s Business Landscape
No matter your role at work or your job description, make the effort to research and gain full understanding of the supply chain and logistics business in which your company operates. This also includes researching your customers and vendors, as well as the dreaded competition. Having this understanding of the business landscape helps you provide keen insight when needed.
Additionally, expect your bosses to notice your efforts and file that information away when it comes time to award bonuses, promotions, and salary raises.
Make Your Co-Workers Perform Better
One way to show your dedication to your company is to take the time to mentor your co-workers. If you fully understand the business and logistics software used at your office, be sure to share your knowledge with everyone. Publish your keen business analysis so the rest of the team is able to benefit from your efforts.
Just like in sports, employees who make the rest of their co-workers perform better are worth their weight in gold in the business world, and the supply chain industry is no exception. This is also a great way to get references and LinkedIn recommendations and endorsements to help grow a rewarding career.
If you want further help in career development in the supply chain world, talk to the experts at ZDA. As one of the top staffing agencies in logistics, we can give you the right advice to ensure your current and future success. Meet with us at your earliest convenience.