Boost Morale and You Will be Notice
If you want to advance within your current job, become the person who helps boost the morale of other employees.
Here are a few simple suggestions:
1. Designate a bulletin board as a place for employees to post appropriate jokes, cartoons, etc.
2. Order pizzas or huge submarine sandwiches for a luncheon with no purpose.
3. Attach cartoons or humorous anecdotes to the more mundane memos that need to be circulated.
4. Schedule an Ugly Tie, Crazy Sweater or Silly Socks Day with a joke prize for the winner.
5. Schedule a staff meeting off-site in a friendly atmosphere and follow-up with a casual social event.
6. Hold fun betting pools for high-profile events such as the Super Bowl, Kentucky Derby, Oscars, Emmys and World Series.
7. Take a daily mandatory humor break. Designate someone to share a joke or funny story with the rest of the staff.
8. During a lunch break, screen a funny film or television show in a conference room.
9. Bring a camera to work and take candid shots of employees and later post them throughout the office.
10. Make it a point to smile and say hello to everyone in your office.
11. If goals are met, allow employees to leave early on a Friday afternoon.
12. Never take things too seriously. Keeping morale high is critical to the success of any corporation.
One easy way to keep a positive work environment is to get creative in the ways you keep your employees happy. Laughter and a fun approach are simple ways to get results that will enhance your entire work environment as well as your own career.
Pamela Day