Client Resources

What are the Signs of a Good Supply Chain Recruiter?

Sure, anyone can say that they’re experienced in supply chain recruiting. They can also say they’re good at it. But how do you really know if you’re dealing with a qualified, experienced recruiter? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does your recruiter build relationships with you and your candidates?

When you talk to your supply chain recruiter, he or she ought to know exactly who you are. And he or she ought to be able to tell you exactly who they know that can fill your open positions, if you have them. That’s because a dedicated recruiter will take the time to create and maintain strong relationships not only with their clients, but with potential candidates as well.

  • How in tune is your recruiter with the supply chain industry? Are they competitive in the industry?

A qualified recruiter should know exactly what is going on in the supply chain industry. The best will exclusively recruit for supply chain roles. He or she should know where the areas of most need are, what jobs are hot, what jobs are hard to fill and why and where you can find the best candidates. They should also be able to help you get those great candidates away from your competition and onto your payroll!

And this may seem like a no-brainer, but make sure they know exactly what supply chain actually is! They should be able to tell you what each part of a supply chain does.

  • How frequent are they providing updates? Is the amount satisfactory?

You shouldn’t only hear from your recruiter if you call them first; they should keep you updated throughout their searches for you. For that matter, they should keep in touch with you even if they are not filling an order for you. They should call to check in, or to let you know that they’ve found a candidate that would be a great fit for your organization, should the need arise.

  • Is your recruiter instrumental in closing candidates on accepting your offer?

This is a major function for any top recruiter. They should be able to facilitate the entire interview and acceptance process, working with both you and the candidate to create a successful end result for both sides.

The supply chain plays a big part in the modern business world. Nearly every company has some element of a supply chain, whether it’s a small, five-employee company that needs to procure new computers for their staff, or a multibillion-dollar global manufacturer with a complex supply chain that includes the journey from sourcing raw materials to turning them into a finished product, and then storing and distributing them around the world. So it makes sense to use a recruiter who has the background, the knowledge and the savvy in the supply chain industry to hire for these roles!

Contact the supply chain recruiting professionals at ZDA for more information!

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