How Can You Learn About Your Candidate’s Personality?

More and more businesses are focusing on personality traits and prospective cultural fit when hiring by using interview tactics designed to uncover who applicants are, as opposed to simply what they are capable of doing. In fact, some companies will even prioritize a candidate with a “winning” personality over someone with the proper “hard skills”…

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Why You Need to Be Interesting to Ace that Job Interview

You might be highly accomplished and confident, but when it comes to talking up yourself in an interview, you just feel reluctant. Many people have this problem: How do I make myself sound interesting in a natural way, without coming across as arrogant? Success is interesting! You may not realize this, but not talking about…

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Lack of Enthusiasm—a Hiring Red Flag?

In interviews, candidates should be on their best behavior, trying to put their best foot forward and selling themselves as the perfect person for the job.  So if you come across someone who is less than enthusiastic in a supply chain job interview, you might see the red flags. As we talk to potential employees,…

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