An Effective Guide to Getting a Raise

We would like to think our employers can spot good work and don’t have to be hassled to pay more for it. After years of getting grades in school based on aptitude, it can be jarring to realize that the workplace doesn’t also operate this way. Fortunately, many people get a raise each year, just…

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The Correct Way to Handle a Social Media Controversy with Your Employees

While American political and social debates have always been contentious, social media appears to have turned up the heat on issues that used to be talked about mostly around the kitchen table. A side effect of online debates has been the “outing” of various employees as political activists. For instance, images of many Charlottesville protestors…

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Which Trends Are Hot in Manufacturing Right Now?

While automation and connectivity are the bright, shiny objects being talked about all over the manufacturing world, there are big demographic trends emerging that could have much larger impacts than the latest bit of equipment to come down the pike. Here is a look at a few trends that should affect manufacturers in the coming…

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As a Millennial, Tell Your Supply Chain Recruiter You Want These Benefits

Millennials in the workforce today are typically employed and managed by baby boomers and Gen Xers. While it’s completely normal to have this age gap in the workplace, it can cause a disconnect when it comes to priorities. Specifically, millennials tend to want different benefits than the ones put in place by a company 10…

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What Is the Latest Salary Data in Supply Chain?

During your supply chain job search, it’s helpful to know the latest salary trends as those will help determine a major portion of your negotiation, or even if pursuing a potential opportunity is worth your time and energy.  A supply chain recruiter will provide some of the information but as a professional in the industry,…

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3 Ways to Make the Right Impact on Your Next Job Interview

Some people go into an interview thinking they just want to give all the right answers and not screw it up. Essentially, these people are playing defense, and there’s really nothing wrong with that. If, on the other hand, you want go on offense and take a pro-active approach to the interview, you have a…

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When You’re a Contract Worker, Where Is Your Loyalty?

For earlier generations, the question of employer loyalty was a simple one: Your loyalty was to the sole company that employed you. But now, things are much different. Many people work multiple jobs, and if you’re working through a staffing agency – you’re technically being employed by two different companies. So where should the loyalties…

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Help Your Remote Employees Succeed

According to a recent Gallup poll, 37 percent of all employees in the U.S. do some of their job remotely and many of these workers are telecommuting full-time. These numbers are expected to grow moving forward, as companies realize the benefits of having some employees work from home or their favorite coffee shop. In particular,…

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What’s the Best Way to Get Real LinkedIn Recommendations?

Your LinkedIn profile has essentially become a press kit for the professional individual, putting everything you’d want to send to a potential employer all in one place. One of those things is letter of recommendation, and LinkedIn makes it easier than ever to ask for, and proudly display such a letter. Having recommendations also eliminates…

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Why You Must Update Your References on Your Job Search

Professional references are like gold: Their value never decreases and they’re worth even more in a crisis. Because of their high value, you need to treat your references with more than just respect. You need to let them know how much you appreciate their assistance. This includes keeping them in the loop during your search…

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