10 Common Words You Should Never Use in a Job Interview

The words that people use say a lot about them. For example, you can probably tell where someone is from if they regularly use the word “y’all” or refer to carbonated drinks as “pop”. While regional lingo is fun and harmless, the language you use in a job interview can make or break your odds…

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3 Ways to Make the Right Impact on Your Next Job Interview

Some people go into an interview thinking they just want to give all the right answers and not screw it up. Essentially, these people are playing defense, and there’s really nothing wrong with that. If, on the other hand, you want go on offense and take a pro-active approach to the interview, you have a…

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What Are You Forgetting at Your Next Interview?

It’s common knowledge that you need to be prepared if you want to be successful in an interview. When the day arrives, you will have probably investigated the company thoroughly and gone over the job description several times. And yet, there’s still more preparation you could do to be able to boost your odds of…

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