Omnichannel Revenue Management – What Skills Do You Need to Help a Supply Chain?

Last year, omnichannel exploded as a retail strategy. The quantity of online retailers that went brick-and-mortar and the number of traditional retail companies that went online recently highlighted the need for businesses to develop a smart omnichannel operations. For supply chain professionals, this means there will be an increasing demand for skills related to boosting…

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Improve the Onboarding Process When Hiring Outside the Supply Chain Industry

Most companies like to hire candidates from inside their industry, often from a competitor or adjacent organization. This rather conservative hiring tendency results in a limited pool of candidates to select from. Supply chain departments and companies can and should hire from outside the industry. However, if someone from outside the industry is hired, it’s…

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Your LinkedIn Profile Reveals What You Think Is Important With Your Job

Your LinkedIn profile is available for any potential employer to see, 24/7/365, and therefore, it’s important for your profile to represent you properly. You may not realize it, but your profile can indicate a lot about you as a professional. If your profile is a bare-bones, facts-only affair, hiring managers won’t see you as someone…

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You vs. the Competition – How Do You Win That Battle and Land the Job Offer?

When applying for a job, you might have sent in a sterling cover letter and resume with strong credentials. However, there will likely be other applicants with very similar documents. Therefore, if you really want the job and think there will be heavy competition, you must be bold and make your value apparent, without being…

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An Effective Guide to Getting a Raise

We would like to think our employers can spot good work and don’t have to be hassled to pay more for it. After years of getting grades in school based on aptitude, it can be jarring to realize that the workplace doesn’t also operate this way. Fortunately, many people get a raise each year, just…

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The Correct Way to Handle a Social Media Controversy with Your Employees

While American political and social debates have always been contentious, social media appears to have turned up the heat on issues that used to be talked about mostly around the kitchen table. A side effect of online debates has been the “outing” of various employees as political activists. For instance, images of many Charlottesville protestors…

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Which Trends Are Hot in Manufacturing Right Now?

While automation and connectivity are the bright, shiny objects being talked about all over the manufacturing world, there are big demographic trends emerging that could have much larger impacts than the latest bit of equipment to come down the pike. Here is a look at a few trends that should affect manufacturers in the coming…

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A Sure-Fire Job Offer Turns into Bad News – What Do You Do Now?

You had a great interview process and thought you were going to get a job offer. Maybe the company even said you were the front runner for the job. But something changed, and you never got that call telling you the job is yours. Did they already have someone in mind? Was there a budget…

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As a Millennial, Tell Your Supply Chain Recruiter You Want These Benefits

Millennials in the workforce today are typically employed and managed by baby boomers and Gen Xers. While it’s completely normal to have this age gap in the workplace, it can cause a disconnect when it comes to priorities. Specifically, millennials tend to want different benefits than the ones put in place by a company 10…

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3 Questions to Ask Potential Co-Workers in Your Job Interview

Many companies are prioritizing cultural fit in their hiring process in the hopes of finding someone who can not only do the job, but can also fit in with the existing culture. To find these best-fit candidates, some hiring managers are bringing in current employees, potential co-workers, into the interview process. Needless to say, applicants…

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